Appointments for New Patients

New Patients

  • Download and fill out this short questionnaire: Download the Questionnaire to Your Computer. Fill it in and return it to us. You can fill it in on your computer, no need to print it. If the form opens in your browser instead of downloading, for privacy, don’t answer the questions while the form is in your browser. Instead, select the download option (an icon on the right or left of the PDF) and then fill in the form on your computer.

  • Once you have filled in the information on the PDF, return to this page and click on this link:

    Follow the directions there to send the form to Dr. Merz securely. See sample below:

  • If you have any difficulty with this process, call Dr. Merz at 708-232-3227 or email


  Appointments are offered in-person or over our secure HIPAA compliant platform for your convenience. We now offer limited Saturday clinic hours for new patient intake appointments.