What is the difference between a psychiatrist and a therapist?  Why do I need more than one mental health provider?

  • A psychiatrist goes to medical school and is a physician who specializes in the treatment of mental illness. They are trained to diagnose illness that have psychiatric symptoms. Psychiatrists are trained in both pharmacology and psychotherapy. With their medical training they are able to consider if medical conditions are causing or contributing to your symptoms. Psychiatrists like Dr. Merz will often use labs, imaging and other medical testing to make a diagnosis and manage your mental health treatment. Psychiatrists complete a minimum of 12 years of study and training after completing their four-year undergraduate degree. Only psychiatrists can evaluate you medically and prescribe medications. Psychiatrists who work in clinics usually spend their time in medication management and not psychotherapy. Dr. Merz will usually include brief problem-focused supportive psychotherapy in your visits but this does not replace the important work you are doing with your therapist.

  • A therapist is a general term that can refer to a psychologist, or a licensed clinical counselor or social worker. Psychologists go to graduate school for 5-7 years to earn their doctorate degrees and licensed clinical counselors and social workers earn master’s degrees. Neither can prescribe medications. Dr. Merz considers therapy an essential component of mental health treatment and prefers that her patients have a separate psychotherapist. She works with many therapists in Chicago and the western suburbs and can help you find a therapist if need be.

What ages do you treat?

  • We see patients from ages 15 to 65.

What is the next step if I want an appointment?

  • Be sure to read through this website to get feel for the practice.

  • Please complete the short questionnaire on this page to assure Monarch Psychiatric Services is a good fit for your needs. We will then contact you to get your appointment scheduled. Intake appointments can then be scheduled with approval and you will be sent your intake paperwork electronically. We will also collect your insurance and credit card information at that time. In order to provide you with an efficient and comprehensive initial evaluation, our Patient Questionnaire must be completed and returned at least 48 hours prior to your appointment.

  • Current patients needing a follow-up appointment should contact us by phone at 708-232-3227 or by email at drmerz@monarchpsychiatricservices.com.

Do I need special equipment for telehealth appointments?

  • There is no special software required to access our confidential HIPAA telehealth appointments. All you need is a computer or a smart phone with a webcam, microphone, speaker and an internet connection with at least 8Mbps download and 1.5 Mbps upload speeds.

What if I don’t have insurance?

  • Monarch Psychiatric Services can bill you Fee for Service and take your payment as cash or credit card. You can use your HSA if you have one to reimburse yourself.

Do you accept Medicare or Medicaid?

  • Our office does not accept Medicare or Medicaid. For a list of insurance companies that we accept please see our Fees and Insurance page.

Do you offer a sliding fee scale?

  • No, we do not, but we do accept some insurance companies.

Where can I get care if I need a sliding fee scale or have Medicaid?

  • Look for your community’s local mental health center or enter you zip code into the Illinois Department of Human Services Office Locator.

Is my care confidential?

  • Your privacy and the confidentiality of our conversations have special protection under Illinois law. Adults would have to sign a release of information (ROI) for Dr. Merz to discuss your care with your other doctors, you therapist or your family. These ROI forms are included in your initial paperwork.

  • Limits on confidentiality include

o   Intent to commit suicide or homicide

o   Neglect of vulnerable children or elders

o   Ongoing physical or sexual abuse

o   Law suits or criminal proceedings where the court has issued a subpoena (extremely rare)

What’s with your name?

  • The Monarch Butterfly symbolizes strength and freedom through struggle and change. Dr. Merz is dedicated to conservation efforts to support the Monarchs and has a Monarch milkweed garden at her home in Oak Park. You can find her there in the summer with her little dog Ally and her husband who helps her tend their vegetable garden. They love the balance of the urban and suburban life that Oak Park affords.