
Depression and Mood Disorders

Depression can be a debilitating condition that inhibits the mind, body and spirit. The origins of this illness are complicated and likely involve genetics, the rightness of your fit in the environment, stress and emotional loss, or even other medical conditions. Feeling depressed is not your “fault” and it takes more than will power to overcome feelings of sadness or the inability to find joy in your daily life.

Depression can be treated with psychotherapy or medications and is often best treated with both. Our clinicians will help you to identify what has contributed to your depression and will be there with you through your recovery.

People with cyclic mood disorders like Bipolar Disorder experience periods of depression but also have times that they feel life is running away with them. They may not be sleeping yet have a lot of energy, may make impulsive decisions and have distortions of their thinking. This change in behavior is often followed by depression. A treatment plan that includes medications and psychotherapy can even out the highs and lows and allow you to enjoy a productive life.

Our clinicians have extensive experience in treating mild to severe mood disorders and will bring evidence-based care as well as a compassionate and creative thinking to your treatment plan.


Anxiety and OCD


You are not alone if anxiety is affecting your life as over 40 million Americans suffer from an anxiety disorder. Untreated anxiety can lead to feeling emotionally drained and physically exhausted and prevent you enjoying your life or even meeting your potential.

Fortunately, anxiety disorders including Generalized Anxiety, Panic Disorder and Social Anxiety are extremely treatable with a combination of psychotherapy, medications and biofeedback. Medical conditions and substances can also contribute to anxiety and this is also treatable.

Anxiety disorders require a correct diagnosis in order to be successfully treated and Dr. Merz and her staff will work with you to determine the correct anxiety diagnosis and create a plan to get you comfortable and back on track with your life.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a very biological condition that also can be treated with medications and cognitive behavior therapy. Dr. Merz has a special interest in helping you overcome OCD and trained during her residency in an OCD specialty clinic. She has experience treating even severe OCD and will bring many options for relieving this condition to your individualized treatment plan.



Substance abuse and dependence can have wide-reaching consequences to your physical and mental health, to your relationships and to reaching your goals and dreams. At some point, abusing a substance becomes more than a matter of one’s choices and it becomes a medical problem that is difficult to overcome without help.

Dr. Merz is board certified in Addiction Medicine and has extensive experience working with patients to recover from substance abuse. She and her staff follow the recommendations of the American Society of Addiction Medicine and if appropriate, will assist you in your recovery with MAT, medication assisted treatment for substance dependence. MAT can be used to help you cut down, manage cravings or maintain sobriety. These medications include naltrexone, Vivitrol, Antabuse, acamprosate, gabapentin, topiramate and several others.

Monarch Psychiatric Services does not provide detoxification from substances and will refer you to the appropriate level of care if you have current severe, high-risk substance use. We will be there for you when you have achieved sobriety and can help you maintain sobriety with MAT. We work with several chemical dependency treatment centers in the Chicago area and in the Midwest including SunCloud Health, Compass Health Center, Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, Pride Institute and Northwestern Medicine Central Dupage Hospital.

MAT can also be used in conjunction with therapy to treat behavioral addictions such as compulsive gambling and sexual addiction. Just as substance abuse can become more than a matter of our choices, addictive behaviors can become a medical problem that cannot be overcome with “will power” alone. Monarch will work with you and your therapist to treat the anxiety and depression that may contribute to your condition and offer you MAT to overcome cravings and compulsions to engage in unwanted behaviors.


Perinatal Mood Disorders

Depression or anxiety that occurs during pregnancy or after childbirth is called perinatal mood disorder. These can be very serious conditions that can impact both the mother and the baby. Current treatments include antidepressants, mood stabilizers, estrogen therapy, psychotherapy or a combination of these. In considering treatment, your unique history is always considered in weighing the options of treatment. Your Monarch clinician will work with you, your ObGyn physician or your pediatrician in developing a treatment plan that’s right for you.

Certified Perinatal Health Professional


 Appointments are offered in-person or over our secure HIPAA compliant platform for your convenience. We now offer limited Saturday clinic hours for new patient intake appointments.